I just want to share my insights on one of my many photo editors on my iphone.
The application is called Fotorus, you guys can get it from itunes here
I actually got this app because I've been seeing a lot of my friends using it and their pictures came out so nice so I decided to give it a try.
and guess what? I love it! ha
this is what you'll see when you open it
there are basically 4 different types of photo editing that you can do.
1. Pro edit: to edit your current pictures
2. Collage: to make a set of different photos together
3. PIP: stands for "picture in picture". basically self-explanatory.
4. GIF: to make a short animated picture
I mainly use number 1 and 2 and most of my photos are edited through them before I post them to the general public. haha
well, that's one secret out of the bag. XD
they are fairly easy to use and difficulties are hard to find but for making gifs, once done, they will only be saved under fotorus and you won't find it in your camera roll. don't ask me..I don't know either.
I ended up emailing my gif to myself. hahaha
This is me being silly with the collage function
there are a lot of different background themes and color that you can choose from and of course filters as well...
I don't really remember what theme I used for this, elegant maybe.
just telling - ab color is the filter that gives you orange lips in case there are some people out there who are looking for this. (speaking out of experience here.. haha)
fotorus don't have any stickers like cymera does but it's still good. sometimes stickers are really bothersome anyways.. >__<
this is the picture in picture function.
you can actually change the background or front image and the type of pips but this is how it looks like when you take a picture in this function.
I think it's quite cool actually, it makes your photos look somewhat artsy perhaps..hehe
I also added a filter here..something that I thought looked nice at the time so I don't remember the name. ha
some of the filters does make your pictures look more presentable.
and this is my first ever gif..hahah. I called it rawrm..
I captured it and the effects are provided but limited. It not hard to use at all. ^^
Post edit: this feature is no longer available and you need to download a separate app for this. Haven't done this but I'm pretty sure it won't be that different. Hahaha x darn
So, if any of you guys are interested.. go on. download it! haha
any questions please leave a comment. signing off ^__^ see ya guys later.
So, if any of you guys are interested.. go on. download it! haha
any questions please leave a comment. signing off ^__^ see ya guys later.
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Smiiiile ^^ |
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