Since it's the summer holidays, I think I'm gonna update my blogs with the stuff I'm loving lately...
but I'm going to let you guys in on this as well...I'm terribly addicted to youtubers, especially british ones because since my youtube channel has been updated to the UK, I have been recommended by these wonderful vloggers (video bloggers)...they are just like bloggers just that they talk to a camera.
I would love to try vlogging but I'm terrible at talking, even in front of a camera. luckily my dream job is not to be an actress.. I would fail miserably.
maybe I'll try to talk about my life in the uk once in a while..for those who are interested and maybe those who might be coming to The Great Britain for studies like moa~ it's like giving an inkling of the life here I guess. x
my favorite youtubers!
Jack and Finn Harries (jacksgap)
Dan Howell (danisnotonfire)
Tim (thefellowyellow)
Amos (famousamos)
Tyler (tyleroakley)
Zoella (zoella280390)
well, they are just the few and the very famous ones but there are a lot of them...I'll post some more in the future. pinky promise~ ^_^ diyana, signing off.
keep on smiling guys x |